on today's list:
1. paint my nails
2. finish field assignment journals
3. finish SOCW 302 study guide
4. go to walmart :(
- crochet hook
- some art materials
- iTunes gift card
5. dread TLC
6. make christmas cards for my 2 fav professors
7. go to the bank
- deposit check
- get out cash for tomorrow
8. make LOTS of phone calls
9. pay phone bill
10. check grades online
11. yoga
12. put on make-up
13. finish painting doll-house for Evie's birthday
14. look-up movies for tomorrow night ...
my brother is going to be 20!
15. hangout with my mama
16. read my Bible
17. create signs for donation boxes at work
18. go to work (on my day off, ew) and put boxes up
19. meet & plan church christmas dinner entertainment
20. be kind
21. relax
22. pet my dog
23. eat well
24. feel accomplished
25. thank God for all of the good, undeserved, greatly cherished blessings in my life ... including, but not limited to, this dude: