Friday, January 13, 2012

The Past 3 Months: short & life-changing.

whoa. life is busy.
busy & beautiful. 

let's play a little catch up.
there are three things you need to know.

i ditched the dreads. 

i was ready. i thought our affair the locks & i would have lasted longer, but i was ready to be done.
so, with two faithful friends, a couple of heavy-duty combs, & a whole lotta conditioner ... 

they're gone!

i'm in love.

this man has changed my life, my dreams, & my perspective.
i've never been even close to a love like this.
and, as you can see, i like to kiss his scruffy cheeks.

we love each other so much that - during our Christmas vacation with my family on the S. Carolina beach - 
he asked me to be his wife
the night of our engagement

the day after, on the beach

my last semester of school as commenced...
i am planning a wedding...
i am working...
i have a senior internship...
& every spare moment i find i am traveling 
from St. Louis to Chicago.

see ya 'round
the end 
for now.

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