1. Visit all 7 of the natural wonders of the world
- Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
- Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Mount Everest, Nepal
- Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis, Alaska, USA
- ParĂcutin volcano, Michocán, Mexico
- Victoria Falls, Zambezi River, Africa
2. Finish a Peace Corps Assignment
3. Visit San Francisco, CA.
4. Fall in love
5. Go to Greece with the love of my life
6. Dread my hair 8.17.2010
7. Go to Israel ... preferably with my dad
8. Own an old volvo station wagon with leather interior
9. Drive through a foreign desert in a jeep & see wild animals, a perfect sunset & breath taking trees (Aaafrica?)
10. Go to India
11. Get a tattoo. get a 1/2 sleeve.
12. Hold & love a dying child and cry over him or her and stroke their hair and gaze into their eyes and tell them that they're perfect and send them to Jesus
13. Have biological children...and give them inspiring, spiritual names...i want my husband and i to find a bible verse during my pregnancy to pray over that child their whole lives and give them corresponding middle names.
14. Go on a LONG road trip...like a whole summer...and visit all my friends in all of their homes, and visit big huge beautiful cities and simple, creative small towns....to meet people...and sleep in the back of a van....and kiss a boy (or boys) in the back of a van...and take showers in public places.
15. Attend a BURNING MAN festival
16. Live in something other than a house for an extended period of time
18. Have (visible) abs
19. Go sailing
20. Live on the East & West coast for at least 6mo-1 year
21. Have sex in a public place
22. Graduate college
23. Finish Graduate School
24. House children who are not my own for an extended period of time
25. Live in a house with multiple families/couples for at least one year...i think it'd be a great learning/communal experience
26. Be a vegetarian for 1 year
27. Eat completely raw for 1 year
28. Jump off something really, really high.
"...To live a life so unpredictable & simplified that people write my address in pencil and wonder at my strange existence."
The Vision The Vow