Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Perfect Summer.

concerts are the perfect summer activity.
my brother & i at Dave Matthews

baseball is the perfect summer sport. 
due to the generosity of my native-STL friends, i am attempting to learn the fine art of being a Cards fan (i'm not doing very well).

a water gun fight is the perfect summer brawl.
my brother-in-law annihilating me at our Father's Day water fight

WICKED is the perfect summer musical.
my brothers girlfriend & i had a night out on the town...dinner & broadway

the porch is the perfect summer hangout.
niece & nephew <3

sushi is the perfect summer food.

... with bruschetta coming in at a CLOSE second.

john legend's voice & piano create the perfect summer tunes.
evening concert in a park beneath the STL arch

independence day is the perfect summer holiday.

best friends are the perfect things to share a perfect summer weekend with.
one of my greatest friends & confidants...tina 
the one who knows, loves, & cracks me up the best... my sister

the city is the perfect place for summer to take place.


Jamie Willow said...

love love love summer!!!! cute pics!

Anonymous said...

Perfect post.
I have to admit, I was a little surprised at baseball being the perfect summer sport. ;) Gooooo CARDS! Haha...that felt weird, and wrong.

Alexandria said...

it really kind of is the perfect summer sport.... it's not my favorite, but i go for the nachos, hot dogs & suntans!